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A journey of a thousand miles starts with single step - Lao Tzu
7 Great Reasons to Join us
1. Improved health & vitality
2. Transferrable skills
3. 36+ year reputation of excellence
4. Enrichment vs. entertainment
5. Little risk of injury
6. Self-defense
7. All inclusive art for body, mind, spirit therapy
Kung fu it is a journey of self-exploration, power and mastery. Our curriculum is so extensive students training for decades are common. The medical and martial arts of China are intertwined through energetic principals, so there is little risk of injury. Due to this, you can start at any age, in any condition and improve your vitality and health while learning a useful skill. Kung fu is awesome.
AM: Tuesday & Thursday 11:00 -12:00 Saturdays 1:00 - 2:00
PM: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs 7:00 - 8:00pm Advanced Mon & Wed 8:00 - 9:30
Wing Chun Fridays 6:00 - 7:00 ($20/ members $30/non-members)
Tai Chi is one of The Three Treasures of China. The other two being meditation and
chi gung. As a traditional school we provide all three in our group classes. Whether balancing your energies, recuperating from illness or simply wanting to increase your vitality, these classes are healing and offer a discipline of mind, body and spirit that permeates all you do. It is an internal martial art.
AM: !2:00 - 1:00pm Wednesday & 11:00am - 12:00 Saturday
PM : 8:00 - 9:15 pm Tuesday & Thursday
In our challenging world it is imperative that you empower your children. Kung Fu provides; focus, discipline, self esteem, self identity, awareness and life skills that translate beyond the classroom. The third week of each month we discuss and enact practical bully tactics. We foster leaders for the future in a safe, supportive and inclusive environment in biweekly class formats.
Tiger Team A: Mon 6:00 & Wed 5:15 Dragon Team: Tues & Thurs 5:00
Tiger Team B: Wed 6:15 & Sat 12:00 Mantis Team Mon & Fri 5:00
Tiger Team C: Tues 6:00 & Thurs 6:00
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